Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Chronicles of Narnia: A Beautiful Movie

This adaptation from the book by C.S Lewis is the perfect movie for your child; fairy-tale-loving or not. Its packed with important lessons delivered quite nicely.

It's all about four kids who are sent to London for refuge by their mother during world war 2. The professor they're sent to live with happens to have a curious wardrobe that transports you to the woods of the mystical woods of Narnia.

With loads of adventure, the youngsters discover that the woods are run by a tyrannical witch, and find out that they are prophesised to save and become the ones to bring peace back to Narnia. Their journey will keep you on the edge of our seat. A standing ovation for this beautiul movie goes without saying.

This movie (british based, i think) has talented child actors who will blow you away. The movie satisfies both visually as well, receiving an Oscar for Best Achievement in make up and and nominations for Best Visual Effects and Achievement is sound. I strongly felt that it should have taken the latter because the movie more than does justice to your speakers (especially when the lion roars)

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